The God Currency

From World Cup trophies to Olympic Medals we humans are obsessed with gold. This love story is as old as time itself. No other substance has such a universal appeal. It has been embedded in every culture around the world and long hailed as the epitome of affluence and success. While its appeal is unmatched its superiority is evident with its association from important monarchical crowns to the Oscar award statues that symbolizes the very best.
So how did gold come to be...
According to scientific research it is known that two stars need to come together upon vehement conditions in a rare cosmic event for Gold to form in our universe.
So how rare is gold then?
As metals go it is pretty rare. All the gold ever mined would fit in a cube 23 feet on each side. This has made it popular as a currency since the dawn of time.
Now that we know how gold was formed we move to looking into why it is so irresistible in every culture known to mankind. For that we need to dive into its physical properties. Gold never rusts or tarnishes. Gold is a great conductor of electricity making it perfect for electronics. It is used in mobile phones which is a staple in modern civilization. It can be easily bent to take shape for jewelry and has a higher melting point than other metals making its high value even more apparent.
Due to this perennial nature it is one of the safest assets to hold in a market crash and still today nations hoard gold to prove their strength. Let us now go on an adventure to better understand this yellow element and how it came to be.
Gold was first discovered in civilization by the ancient Egyptians. It was in Nubia where the first gold mine was put together. These mines made the Egyptians incredibly wealthy. They made jewelleries out of gold and praised its decorative value. They regarded it even higher when they found out it could be passed down through generations. Moreover, Ancient Egypt was one of the first civilizations that introduced gold as coins and charms as well. They believed it had divine powers and thought it could ward off demons.
Historians believe that Native Americans also used gold like the Egyptians. The Aztecs believed that gold was associated with sunlight and fire and believed it
protected their mighty warriors from misfortune in battles.
Today, gold is touted for its radiance and rarity. It is widely used in industry ranging from iPhones to complex electronic devices. Gold is seen as a safe haven at times of financial trouble and used as a security against inflation. It always holds its value when stocks are down and economies spiral. This has been evident throughout history and more recently the global pandemic and the Russia Ukraine war are prime examples that support the idea of value retention in gold. During the global pandemic of 2020 through 2022 and the war between Ukraine and Russia, gold prices have skyrocketed as a proof to that.
To sum it up, Gold is and always will be a smart investment choice. Throughout the entire history of mankind people have stockpiled their earnings in gold bars or gold coins or gold jewelleries and as times would have it gold never has disappointed their trust. When times are hard, it is prudent to turn to gold to make money by investing in gold stocks or buying and selling actual gold bars or coins or jewelleries.
If you are wearing any gold jewelry or holding a gold coin in your hand right now… know this - two stars needed to come together in an epic cosmic event to form the gold you have and in civilization it has been with us since the egyptians built the pyramids all those 6000 years ago. It will protect you from harm and it will never tarnish. It will make you rich over time and safeguard you from inflation.
Gold is The God Currency and it always will be… and it always will be.